How can Floorcloud® help contractors?
Demonstrate superior professionalism and help ensure the success of your installations. Monitor, communicate and archive essential jobsite data with ease. Capture important photos and notes to document key information and process steps.
Software Features
Stand alone software that can be connected to our climate sensors.
Accurate and Durable Jobsite Conditions Sensors
Monitor ambient temperature, humidity and dew point with out-of-the-box connectivity.

Jobsite Conditions Sensor - V
The workhorse of the Floorcloud® sensor line up, this device captures ambient temperature, humidity, and dew point. It connects automatically to the 4G cellular network and maintains its battery life up to 3 months. It is IP67 for the intrusion of dust and moisture and can be easily mounted to almost any surface.

Rapid RH Data Grabber
The leading concrete substrate, insitu, RH% probe on the market today for the flooring professional. Utilize your Floorcloud™ mobile app to capture essential concrete RH% values using Bluetooth™ technology.
Speak to a Floorcloud® team member to learn more about how the platform can professionalize and protect your company.