Higgins Flooring
Windham, CT
The Situation
Confronted with a high school’s opening date following its complete renovation of climate sensitive resilient flooring, Higgins Flooring required a solution to remotely monitor jobsite conditions, 24/7, as the building’s HVAC controls were turned on to cool the building.
The Results
Higgins utilized Climit/s ambient conditions monitoring to obtain real time data and compare it to the manufacturer’s specifications for each of the products being installed. This enabled Higgins to monitor and ensure the rate and amount of temperature change met the manufacturer’s installation manual requirements of no more than 1 degree per 24 hour period.
The Benefit
Higgins’ team viewed ambient jobsite conditions remotely on their mobile phones to help ensure the building was cooled to the appropriate ambient conditions at the proper rate. If the facility was cooled too rapidly, this could have caused its resilient flooring to shrink or gap and result in maintenance issues or high liability trip and fall hazards. As a result, the facility was cooled by 1F per day and the installation was a success.